Jessica Knight, MA, CPCC, NICC

Certified High Conflict Divorce & Narcissistic and Emotional Abuse Coach

Who is in your corner?

High-Conflict Divorce Coaching

It only takes one person to make a divorce High-Conflict. If you are reading this, it’s not you. Together we will amplify your voice and prioritize your child(ren)’s best interests.

Emotional and Narcissistic Abuse

Learn how to identify narcissistic and abusive behavior, and how to respond, interrupt the cycle and  protect yourself and your well being.

  What Is Divorce Coaching and who is it for?

Going through a divorce is always difficult. When you are divorcing a Narcissist or abusive person, it is extremely more exhausting and confusing. I can help you make sense of the (many) things that don’t make sense and lean into a strategy to protect you and your children. 

Strategy for High-Conflict Divorce

You need a strategy to deal with the person and the specific set of circumstances. I will help you navigate through the process so you can prepare for your case, communicate effectively and start the next chapter of life.

Strategic Communication with High Conflict Co-Parent

If you are involved in a high-conflict divorce or child custody situation, communication is critical. Many Domestic Violence (DV) advocates promote “Gray Rock” communication when dealing with a toxic (narcissistic) individual but when you have children together, you are under the family court microscope, so it is important to respond strategically while keeping the engagement to a minimum.

Documentation System and Creation

In a divorce with conflicting accounts or opinions, your records could potentially serve as evidence that discredits false claims or corroborates your position. Learn what and how to document.

Support and Healing

 understand where you are because I’ve not only been there. I became certified in Emotional and Narcissistic Abuse to specifically help women who are where I was. You can learn more about what I do on my other website,

High-Conflict Divorce Coach

Every “high-conflict” custody battle has three basic narratives:


The abuser’s need for control

The abuser's need to win

The abuser’s desire to hurt or punish the healthy parent

High-Conflict Divorce Coaching is for the parent who is exhausted, on survival mode, and needs an advocate and strategy partner to navigate the Family Court System and this difficult time.

“I just wanted to say thank you for an awesome session today.  This was the most effective coaching/support Ive had in my legal battle.  I am so grateful to have found your services.”

About Me

Jessica is a Trauma-Informed Narcissistic Abuse Life Coach and a High-Conflict Divorce Coach.

She has made it her mission to embody the courage, focus and determination it took to move through her own difficult divorce, and teach other parents how to do the same.

Her practice applies solution-based coaching and principles such as, effective communication, documentation, healthy co-parenting boundaries and resilience to move forward.

Resources and Ways to Work With Me

You Are Not Crazy Podcast

Sometimes the first step in healing is feeling validated and knowing that you are not crazy. This podcast focuses on the intricacies of Emotional and Narcissistic Abuse.

Narcissistic and Emotional Abuse Healing

I specialize in helping victims of Narcissistic and Emotional abuse on their journey to escape, heal and understand themselves. It doesn’t matter where you are in your journey. 

High-Conflict Divorce Coaching

Focusing on strategy, I look at your case from a neutral, third party perspective and see things with fresh eyes to improve your effectiveness in court or during assessments.

Together we will amplify your voice and prioritize your child(ren)’s best interests.

When you work with a divorce coach, you gain a teammate who can hold your hand through every step of your divorce, custody and co-parenting process. You will be equipped to help you avoid the pitfalls—the tricks, traps and weapons that a person with narcissistic traits keeps at their disposal, such as gaslighting, crazy-making and smear campaigns.  

Whether you’re divorcing a narcissist and want to add a divorce coach to your legal team—or you’re frustrated trying to co-parent with one and don’t know what to do, email me to see how you can benefit from working with a certified high conflict divorce coach.

You are not alone. Contact me using the form below.