Authenticity Hangover

Authenticity Hangover. I think I made this phrase up (but if I didn’t please tell me who did so I can credit them). I define an “authenticity hangover” as the after effect of not being yourself. Have you ever woken up after a night out with friends...

It has nothing to do with you

How they treat you has nothing to do with how they actually feel about you. How they treat you is a reflection of how they feel about themselves. If they are confusing, they are confused. If they are emotionally unavailable, it’s probably because they are. If...


I wanted to add one thing that didn’t make it to my last post. LISTEN, please listen to people when they talk to you about their struggles. I am not going to say “especially a mom” because all people and their struggles matter. If someone says...

Let’s stop talking about self love

I hate the rhetoric on self love. I hate the narrative of you have to love yourself before you can have anything or do anything or heal anything…Children, like me, who grew up in a home where it was normal for a parent to tell you what you think or what you...